Tag: Event
Trance Inside 140 – 7Wonders
Trance Inside 140 packs the grand total of 27 tracks just for you, including some hidden gems and exclusives in the 7Wonders guest mix. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 139 – Magic Sense
Trance Inside 139 brings you banging new tunes and a guest mix from Magic Sense full of exclusives. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 138 – DJ Abscence
The newest tunes selected just for you in Trance Inisde 138 along with a guest mix from DJ Abscence. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 137 – The Pulsarix
This episode’s massive tunes selection is accompanied by a guestmix from The Pulsarix. Enjoy Trance Inside 137!
Trance Inside 133
Blissful two hours in the mix with the latest tunes selected in Trance Inside 133 just for you. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 131
Loads of new tracks lately which made me take the full two hours for a non-stop mix again to present them all to you in Trance Inside 131, enjoy!
Trance Inside 130
Two hours nonstop in the mix with some great choonage from the trance and progressive scene in episode 130 of Trance Inside as promised. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 129
This episode is almost entirely a Flashback mix which is definitely not to underestimate and the next few will be full two hours mixes. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 128
Better late than never! Here’s the missing Trance Inside episode, number 128 with blasting new tunes and equally blasting flashback mix. Enjoy!
Trance Inside 127
After a short break back to basics with a brand new Trance Inside 128th episode with the latest tunes selected for you. Enjoy!